Sunday, October 4, 2009


A dashing young thief in a flowing orange trench coat, his exceptional skills and dedication are seemingly contradicted by his laid-back manner. He approaches life with a disarming, confident cheerfulness, selecting his targets seemingly on a whim. Because he is such a legendary figure, many people are surprised when they meet him in person, as he is rather small and unassuming at first glance. His skills as a thief, however, are without equal. He travels the world with his best friend, Kir, a talking albatross bird with whom he can combine to unleash the deadly Kir Royale attack, which is a green ball of energy shot out of Kir's mouth. He also holds a hidden retractable knife in his left sleeve and usually uses it when the Kir Royale would be a waste; its worth noting that the knife goes through a small handful of 'upgrades:' as a boy, it seemingly hid oversized kitchen utensils, in the primary series it becomes a simple slightly-curved single edged knife, and by the time of Twilight Tales - its a full blown double-edged blade almost the size of a short sword. He isn't restricted to this however, as he also seems to be capable of turning anything into a weapon, such as wires as seen when he traps attack dogs or an umbrella he uses to diffuse a Kir Royale blast. That said though, his single greatest weapon is his mind - although never really highlighted, Jing is an extremely keen analyst, almost impossibly clever in executing his plans, and most importantly - has a talent for improvising when something actually doesn't work out his way (a rarity in itself). Strangely, his single greatest treasure is a simple green necklace, which never truly has its purpose revealed.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bandit King Jing Introduction

King of Bandits Jing is a series of short, usually disconnected stories starring the young boy who calls himself Jing, the Bandit King. Although Jing's reputation seems to extend throughout the universe of the series, many enemies underestimate him, not expecting the "great" King of Bandits to be a "little kid".

The stories vary a great deal, especially between the initial
manga series and the sequel series, Jing: King of Bandits: Twilight Tales. In the initial series, stories often border on comical and cartoonish. Each arc includes a new treasure or object that Jing is seeking, a woman or girl who accompanies him somewhere along the way on his quest for this item, and an enemy that either wants to protect what it is he intends to steal, or get to it before he does. Settings also vary; Jing travels to a clockwork city, a desert with living lava, and even deliberately gets himself arrested to steal something from inside a maximum security prison, among other fantastic locales. He always escapes in the end of each arc, and always manages to steal his target, although not always in the way that the characters or the reader expects. Each arc also features the upset of some restrictive societal norm thanks to Jing's intervention; rulers are dethroned, prison riots are caused, an entire corrupt religion is reduced to shambles. This could be taken as a look at the "benefits" of lawlessness and chaos when faced with corrupt and stagnant law, but it is left up to the reader to decide—at no time is Jing described as anything other than a thief. There is no doubt that Jing leaves the lives of more than one person shaken in his wake, often inverting their world views.

White Star

He is the father of Black Star and the leader of the infamous Star Clan. Much like Black Star, he was very bent towards being the best and winning every battle.
In the past, White Star was put into a very similar situation as Black Star in his battle with Mifune. They were both asked by Mifune about which path (path of a Warrior or path of a Demon) they'd rather take. White Star did not answer, but Mifune was easily able to tell that White Star already took the path of a Demon. Black Star simply said he'd make his own path.
White Star was slain in battle by Mifune.


Ragnarök is Chrona's Demon Sword partner. Ragnarök is the first inhuman weapon introduced in Soul Eater. It loves to degrade and pester Chrona (even during fights) by giving him noogies, pinching his nose, hitting him on the head, or taking his food. When Chrona finally tells Ragnarök to stop, Ragnarok seems surprised at his reaction. Ragnarök has taken to absorbing any soul, evil or not. By taken innocent souls, Ragnarök soul wavelength has grown out of control and vastly overpowers Chrona's own wavelength, which will lead to Ragnarök soul eating Chrona's soul in the end. Later on, Ragnarök can change its appearance to that of a dragon to give Chrona wings to fly vastly increasing Chrona's combat capablilties. It can also grow a mouth on its sword form that draws souls to it by using a high pitched scream. Then Ragnarök absorbs the souls, using the mouth like a vacuum. Also, while screaming in its sword form, Ragnarök acts like an electric saw due to the vibrations caused by its screaming. Ragnarök can control Chrona's black blood (due to consuming innocent souls) when it leave Chrona's body. It can use the blood spilled from Chrona's body to make spikes to attack anyone or can cause the blood to stop and act like a bandage for Chrona so it does not pass out from blood loss. When not in use, Ragnarök resides in Chrona's body, further tainting his blood and also allowing him to control Chrona's blood, Ragnarök commented that Maka's soul looked delicious. Whether Ragnarök can actually see souls has yet to been seen. He does worry about Chrona's health and will try to help Chrona by stopping his bleeding wounds. However, Ragnarök will always ask for thanks afterwards. After the fight with Maka Ragnarok had all his souls confiscated which resulted in him shrinking greatly in size (he now resembles a chibi form of himself) he is also slightly perverted since when Chrona finally stood up to him he acted like an understanding guy while at the same time pulling up Chrona's dress, also he lifted Maka's skirt and commented on her dull choice of panties. Even with less power he still wants to eat any soul he sees, he also tends to us Chrona as a human shield against non-deadly attacks like the Maka Chop.

Attacks: His attacks mostly concentrate using Chrona's blood and causing mass destruction.

Blood Spike: Changes the drops of Chrona's blood into spikes to attack from multiple angles.
Screech Resonance: Ragnarök's equivalent of Soul Resonance.
Jet Black Sword: a more powerful form of Ragnarök's sword form.

Fisher King

The Fisher King is an assassin for Arachnophobia. He is sent to capture a demon tool, but is easily defeated by Kid on the Runaway Express. His cannon arm is destroyed by a Mizune witch, and is killed by Sid.

Attacks: All of his attacks focus on his right cannon arm. He can also use it to travel far distances by shooting out a hook.

* Pole Launcher: He shoots out cannon balls toward his enemy.


Mosquito is Arachne's butler. His appearance is a short old man with a large pointy nose which is used to suck the blood out of a victim. He has mentioned that he can transform into his form from 800 years ago which could mean he is stronger then he lets on (but it seems he needs some high grade blood to pull the transformation off). He has a sense of honor since he let Maka, Black Star, and Kid leave during their fight since their (Maka, Black Star, and Kid) time was running out and they impressed him during the fight.

Forms: Mosquito's body changes to the way it was at an earlier age to fight.

* 100 years ago: The muscles in his upper body enlarge, giving him the appearance of a huge gorilla-like torso. His legs however, remain unchanged. This form is Mosquito's toughest form and has been seen used twice.
* 200 years ago: His limbs and nose extend in length, giving him a streamline, feline body structure. This form was when Mosquito was the fastest, evasive and had his nose most lengthened. This form was revealed partially when the Shibusen students had just defeated Mosquito's first form and when fighting Death the Kid and Free.
* 400 years ago: In this form, with his soul wavelength swells up enormously, he takes up the shape of a young man with slick, combed hair. He is able to construct and reconstruct his body from bat-shaped darkness, and was able to sever one of Kid's arms and Free in half in barely one second. This form was when he was at his most numerous-Legion.
* 800 years: This form has only been mentioned.

Attacks: Mosquito uses his needle nose for attacking, any other attacks depend on the form he is using.

* Police Stringer: Mosquito extends his nose then thrusts himself (while spinning) in order to drill his victim on his nose.
* Three Piece Police Stringer: A more powerful version of the Police Stringer but it attacks three times.
* Darkness Discord: Mosquito firstly sets up a pentacle under the target before splitting into a vortex of eight thousand bats, entrapping his victim within with destructive ultra-sonic waves.


The demon blade, Masamune, is an extremely dangerous weapon and Tsubaki's older brother. He wanders around, possessing others to use him as their weapon to collect any soul he wants. He speaks using ancient words and likes to write haiku. He plays on the fears of others to possess and use them until he takes over their soul. He believes only the strong survive and the weak live only to serve the strong. He developed this way of thinking when Tsubaki inherited the family's multiple weapon forms. He considers himself more worthy than her and believed that he should have gotten the multiple weapon forms. He later lets Tsubaki defeat and absorb him after he sees that she really does care about him. Which gives her his katana form and all of his abilities, simultaneously being the first soul that Tsubaki successfully absorbs. He now resides deep within Tsubaki in the form of a large deer.

Attacks: He cannot use any attacks until he has possessed someone to wield him.

* Soul Possession: Used by demon blades to overpower and control the soul of its user.
* Shadow Puppet: Used by Demon Blade Masamune to control the shadow of the person he possessed for pincer attacks (the puppet can only say shadow).
* Puppet Strike: By folding the Shadow Puppet onto the blade, Masamune can create a far reaching lunge thrust.
* Split Branches: After the Puppet Strike, large spikes come out from the shadows body to skewer the enemy at close range.
* Puppet's Rain: By using multiple Shadow Puppets to restrain his enemy, Masamune stabs his enemy.