Friday, September 11, 2009

Black Star

He is Tsubaki’s technician. He is the son of White Star and comes from a family of ninjas (The Star Clan), which explains the star on his shoulder. The Star Clan was wiped out by Shibusen, leaving him as a baby the sole survivor. Shibusen accepts the child and takes care of it within Death City. He became a weapon user and teamed up with Tsubaki, a weapon who transforms into many different types of ninja weapons.

His main form of attack includes various ninja arts but, unlike formal ninjas, is a show-off. He is often loud defeating the purpose of his ninja arts proclaiming that he is a "big" person and will surpass even God. His delusion of being a "big" and important person is so great that he gives out autographs that nobody wants. Black Star hates it when someone gets more attention than him and is quick to raise his voice and proclaim that he is better and more deserving of attention. He is also able to use his soul wavelength in hand-to-hand combat.

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